Check your email for an email from "GrooveMember <[email protected]>" with subject line: Welcome to Burning Rock Solutions Member Portal (see example below). Check your spam or junk folder if it's not in your inbox.
As Promised! You can download these here. You should also have an email with the reports as an attachment. These are also available anytime in your member portal under > Free Resources > Real Estate Investing
Learn why prices are unrelated to costs and should be based on what a market will bear instead.
This report will answer key questions around pricing such as:
> How branding affects price
> How much should I ask for my condo?
> What will the market bear?
> Moral vs immoral pricing
> Why I love industrial condos
> The accidental entrepreneur and entrepreneurial mindset
Remember: you make money in real estate when you buy not when you sell, or refinance - so buy low.
In this report you'll learn:
> Pointers on what to look for
> What not to buy
> What to buy instead
> What to add in order to animate your properties for higher returns
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